Thursday, April 24, 2014

Final day!

Welp, this is our last day to do the TotS project. I really hope you have all enjoyed working with one another to get this show on the road. I really appreciate the punctual needs of our leader, Joyce, as it was great and very much needed heading towards the end. It really has been a fun experience working with you guys, even if Jidam never met us in person u.u . Wow I guess I'm just really tired... my writing skills have deteriorated tenfold :/ .

To the sophomores of '15:
Do your best during this project! If you do not put effort in, your product WILL suffer. Also be sure to be as stubborn as possible about due dates within your groups, as it actually turned out very well for our group (besides the fact that I'm blogging at 11:42 the day before the project is due awwyeaaaa). While our group had one person end up doing the script (don't hate us, Joyce), I still think that working together to reach a common goal, even if you spend 5-6 hours on the script because you end up goofing off instead of working, is much more fun for everyone. It has been a pleasure taking part in this project!

Edit: Oh and be sure to name your blog something much more plausible than this one, because this blog's URL is literally stuck to our movie poster.

Some random Behind the Scenes stuff

 Here are two of five pictures that we took that were not part of formal pictures. Joyce and Jason being awesome siblings.

And me sitting like an absolutely perfect child, y'know.

Day 45 (Wow it's the day before the project is due)

It's been a while! I guess updates are needed on the blog, so I will get to doing that... now...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 34 (wooo we hit one month!!!!)

Wooo it's been one month! I'm not sure if the grading guidelines for each role are on the language arts blog, so let me find out right now....

Yeah it doesn't look like the the guidelines are on there... I could either scan or type out the guidelines (either way it feels like a hassle, so input please >:D).

oops gotta go update tomorrow maybe

Edit: hahah we all knew that was a lie